Friday 7 February 2014

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 1: Colour Research

Immediately when given the brief I decided that I didn't want to go for full colour images. The Air Jordan brand has very specific colours, usually black, red & white. So this is the colour scheme I want to go for and use throughout the publication.
To get some idea of how I could use this colour scheme, I researched into other designs which work in monotone and duotone colours. This will give me a base for using my colour scheme and show me what colours work together and how they do. It will also show me how I could potentially incorporate other colours if needed.

This publication is designed using blue, white & black. The images are either in monotone blue or monochrome, depending on the stock and opposite page. The design of this is very structured and cleared gridded, with a large amount of consideration put into the placement of text in accordance to the images. I like the way some of the text overlays the images and contrasts against the bright colour. I don't think it works so well the other way round where it is the blue text over the monochrome image. The layout throughout the book is consistent through the design and not through the same layouts over and over again, keeping the book interesting.

Uovo Performing Arts Festival
This branding interests me because it doesn't use the green colour to fill a whole image or for large chunks of text. It overlays coloured titles over the images in a way which makes it transparent and, just like it does with the green triangles over the images inside the foldout. I like how the colour doesn't overpower the images or rest of the pages, rather adds another element to the work as a whole and creates a strong identity.

Théatre de la Bordée
This design work interests me as it works in duotone images, using blue and red together throughout the work instead of using black at any point. The way the text is laid over the top of the image is clear and doesn't cover up too much of the image to make it hard to see what they are. Not having black anywhere throughout this work makes it look a lot more considered when it comes to branding and the overall look for the designs.

Gautheir & Nolet Architects
This one is similar in the colours used as the work above, however this is used in a much different way. This uses the white purely as the stock and not as part of the design. The red is the main colour on these designs, with the blue as a secondary colour. The way the red has been used throughout is what interests me the most in these designs. It has been used mainly as a filter over the blue images to create really eye-catching work.

Chapel Street Precinct Members Kit
This design work uses duotone images in a much different way to the two designs above. Instead of having the two colours together to create the negative and positive colours, it has all images in the blue and has pieces of information in the bright pink/red to stand out on the pages. The text layout is also interesting. The majority of the text is in the blue and doesn't cross over the images at all, but the text in the pink/red colour does overlay the images.

Revista Biela
This design work is primarily shades of blue throughout with the exception of a few titles which are in black. The mix of the two tones of blue is something different from using two completely different colours like red and blue. It keeps the pages from being too over the top and colourful and makes it easy to break the pages down. I particularly like it when the two colours have been overlapped. It makes it much more interesting to look at than when it is just the one colour.

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