Tuesday 19 February 2013

OUGD406 - Communication is a Virus Initial Research

Research into 5 A Day
  • 5 A Day is the name of a number of programs in countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom and Germany, to encourage the consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, following a recommendation by the World Health Organisation that individuals consume at least 400g of vegetables daily.
  • The programme was introduced by the UK Department of Health in the winter of 2002-2003, and received some adverse media attention because of the high and rising costs of fresh fruit and vegetables. After ten years, research suggested that few people were meeting the target.
  • The campaign has come under criticism from Channel 4 because of government failure to prevent the food industry from making misleading claims that their products constitute part of a five a day.
  • The Government recommends an intake of at least five portions of fruit or vegetables per person per day to help reduce the risk of some cancers, heart disease and many other chronic conditions.

Primary Research
For our primary research, for a whole day we each made a tally of how many times we used social networking.

Facebook: 30
Whatsapp: 52
Text: 10
Online newspapers: 15

Research into website/app layouts

All App designs are easy to navigate with buttons and bold colours, each with their own icons/identity to distinguish them from one another. Drop down lists are also common as they are easy to navigate. Everything is designed in a way which is engaging for the person. If the app is not easy to use/engaging, it will be easily forgotten about.

Websites design varies completely for the context. The most interactive ones are easy to navigate, with only a few buttons/icons on the home page, all easy to see. The ones which stand out the most are the ones that are using a limited colour palette. Home pages with a lot of colours make it look very cluttered  and unprofessional. In this case, less is more. A simple navigation seems to be key to a professional looking website.

 App & Website

This looks at the way a website changes the layout to work into the tablet & phone formats. There is a huge difference between the computer screen and the tablet/phone layouts. These are easier to navigate and see, with larger icons and clearer direction than on the webpage.
This is the one thing we will have to take into consideration when exploring the idea of how to make the website work on this format.


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