Saturday 30 November 2013

OUGD504 - Design For Print: Packaging Research

For my info-pack I want some packaging to join every design piece together and make it clearly part of the same information pack. Before designing this I looked into different packaged packs.

This first one has three different types of packaging. These are simple and are made to look like they are going to be posted obviously.
I like these because of the simplicity of them. It shows how little that needs to be done to join products together in a pack.

This one was interesting as the packaging formats and designs were different, but they all have one sticker on that joins them together. It shows that the packaging doesn't need to be identical on all of them to make them obvious that they are from the same pack.
I particularly like the quality of this packaging. It is of a high quality and finish and looks very professional.

This packaging is for a book. This is done in a way that makes book packaging interesting and shows that it doesn't have to be so simple. This packaging shows that packaging doesn't just need to be something to hold the product, it can be a product within itself.

This one I found interesting because of how the packages all fit together to create a shape. This makes packaging more exciting than just holding the products and adds to the visual identity.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the article, really explains everything in detail, it is very interesting and useful at the same time. Keep up the good work. primary packaging Thank you.
